SUNDAY AT 9 AM and 10:30 AM
What to expect on a Sunday morning.
- Once you’ve parked, head to our coffee and donut table. We’ll save a maple bar for you!
- You can head to Kid’s Check-In anytime 15 minutes prior to a service time for your nursery-5th grade kids.
- Service begins at 9 am and 10:30 am. You can expect to be led in three or four worship songs, hear some announcements, and a relevant message. We take communion the first Sunday of every month.
- We’d love to meet you at our welcome table after service and answer any questions you have.
- Don’t forget to grab the kids and visit us again next week!
We’re so glad that you’re here. We’d love to see you on a Sunday morning at 9AM or 10:30AM. Fill out our connect form to stay up to date on what’s happening at Sound House.
We’d love to share the heart of our church with you. You can get to know us more by attending a Welcome Lunch. This lunch is a great opportunity to meet our staff, learn about our mission & core values, and connect.